... anonymous chronicler of King Bela IV, prince Gelu died at the confluence of Căpuş Creek with Someşul Mic River on Gilău village territory, while withdrawing from the Hungarian hordes of Tuhutum to his citadel Dăbâca (ad castrum suum). ... The family cementery is about one quarter of a mile from the estate. My greatgrandmother sold to Count Banffi when my greatgrandfather died and my grandfather, Gyalui Bernath Arved, his brothers Odon and Oskar and sister Ilma did not ...
... anonymous chronicler of King Bela IV, prince Gelu died at the confluence of Căpuş Creek with Someşul Mic River on Gilău village territory, while withdrawing from the Hungarian hordes of Tuhutum to his citadel Dăbâca (ad castrum suum). ... The family cementery is about one quarter of a mile from the estate. My greatgrandmother sold to Count Banffi when my greatgrandfather died and my grandfather, Gyalui Bernath Arved, his brothers Odon and Oskar and sister Ilma did not ...